
Wake Up Narcolepsy Announces AASM Foundation 2024 Grant Partnership & 2023 Grant Update

For the second year in a row, Wake Up Narcolepsy (WUN) is excited to announce that we will partner with American Academy of Sleep Medicine Foundation (AASM Foundation) to co-fund a Category II Strategic Research Grant for Central Disorders of Hypersomnolence. The deadline for letters of intent is October 23rd, 2023 and more information on how to apply can be found here.

We would like to thank Avadel Pharmaceuticals for supporting us in funding the 2023-2024 grant!

AASM recently provided an update on the 2022-2023 grant that was co-funded by WUN. Congratulations to principal investigators Laura Lewis, PhD, and Ewa Beldzik, PhD, at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who were the recipients of the $100,000 Strategic Research Grant! Their topic is Imaging the Brainstem and Hypothalamic Activity Underlying Sleepiness-induced Attention Deficits in Humans.

The full update from AASM Foundation can be found here.

Laura Lewis, PhD (Left) & Ewa Beldzik, PhD (Right)