Jun 14 2019
WUN Mission to Support Narcolepsy Research In Action
h in Blogs
Congratulations to WUN Co-founder and Board Member, Monica Gow, who is listed as co-author on an article and poster presented at the SLEEP 2017 Conference by Dr. Kiran Maski, MD, Sleep Neurology Clinics, Boston Children’s Hospital titled “Listening to the Patient Voice: Diagnostic Delays, Disease Burden and Treatment Efficacy.”
Recently, Gow was interviewed by Sleep Review Magazine about the narcolepsy journey of her son Thomas and WUN’s role in this research project. In 2013, WUN sponsored a study aimed to provide patient perspectives on narcolepsy symptoms and treatments. Almost 1700 patients and their caregivers participated in the study. To read the article titled “Absence of Cataplexy, Pediatric Onset Increase Odds of Delayed Narcolepsy Diagnosis”, click HERE.
Also listed as a co-author off this study is Dr. Thomas Scammell, MD, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School. The abstract was presented at SLEEP 2017.
Wake Up Narcolepsy is dedicated to supporting Narcolepsy awareness and research to find a cure. To learn more about Wake Up Narcolepsy, please visit our website HERE.